Submit Family Weekend Events

What Qualifies as a Family Weekend Event?

Family Weekend events should be scheduled, time-specific activities designed to engage WSU students and their families during the weekend. Events may include performances, workshops, tours, special dining experiences, or other interactive opportunities.

Acceptable events may include:

  • A special brunch or dinner menu available only during Family Weekend
  • A one-time discount or promotion tied to Family Weekend (e.g., "10% off for Coug families on Saturday & Sunday")
  • A scheduled class, activity, or demonstration (e.g., a painting workshop or guided tasting)
  • Live music, performances, or entertainment

Submissions that will not be approved:

  • General advertisements about your business or services
  • Ongoing sales or promotions unrelated to Family Weekend
  • Standard business hours or general information about your establishment

Instructions for Adding Events

Student Groups & WSU Departments

  1. Log-in to (use the person button at the top right). After logging in, select “Admin Dashboard” dashboard from that same menu.
  2. On the Left hand navigation select Create and in the pop up menu choose “Event.”
  3. Fill out the form answering questions as completely as possible and include the following fields:
    1. Select a Host. If you don’t have a more relevant option, choose “Family Weekend Committee” as the host.
    1. Tags: Must include Family Weekend. It is recommended to choose an audience tag and any other tags that make sense for your event.
  4. To complete the form, scroll to the top of the form and select “Submit.”
    1. Your event will then start a brief approval process.  Be on the lookout for an e-mail from, that will tell you whether your event has been approved or denied. If your event is denied, it will state why and provide you the opportunity to submit a new response.
  5. If you have edits to make to your event, you can just log in, choose “events” on the left hand navigation, and find your event in that list.
    1. From there you can choose the three dots on the far right to make edits and re-submit your event.

WSU Groups/Individuals who need access to Coug Presence for Family Weekend

  1. Fill out the Presence Event Creator Form.
    1. The Family Weekend approver, Dan Welter, will add the individual to Presence and to the Family Weekend Committee (i.e. access to event).
    2. Staff will be notified once this is complete and will receive instructions about how to log in and register an event.  

*This outlined process should only take up to 24-48 hours to complete from start to finish once someone submits contact information to the link above. 

Non-WSU affiliated/Off-campus groups

If you are an off-campus group and do not have a WSU email address, we will manually add your events to the Coug Presence Family Weekend calendar. Your events will be posted with all other family weekend events. 

  1. Fill out the External Group Family Weekend Event Registration Form
    1. The Family Weekend event approver will add your event to Presence.
    2. You will receive a confirmation to the email you provide once this is complete.
  2. Please allow 2-3 business days for submitted events to be approved and uploaded to the calendar. 
  3. Contact with any questions.