Submit Family Weekend Events
What Qualifies as a Family Weekend Event?
Family Weekend events should be scheduled, time-specific activities designed to engage WSU students and their families during the weekend. Events may include performances, workshops, tours, special dining experiences, or other interactive opportunities.
Acceptable events may include:
- A special brunch or dinner menu available only during Family Weekend
- A one-time discount or promotion tied to Family Weekend (e.g., "10% off for Coug families on Saturday & Sunday")
- A scheduled class, activity, or demonstration (e.g., a painting workshop or guided tasting)
- Live music, performances, or entertainment
Submissions that will not be approved:
- General advertisements about your business or services
- Ongoing sales or promotions unrelated to Family Weekend
- Standard business hours or general information about your establishment
Instructions for Adding Events
Student Groups & WSU Departments
- Log-in to (use the person button at the top right). After logging in, select “Admin Dashboard” dashboard from that same menu.
- On the Left hand navigation select Create and in the pop up menu choose “Event.”
- Fill out the form answering questions as completely as possible and include the following fields:
- Select a Host. If you don’t have a more relevant option, choose “Family Weekend Committee” as the host.
- Tags: Must include Family Weekend. It is recommended to choose an audience tag and any other tags that make sense for your event.
- To complete the form, scroll to the top of the form and select “Submit.”
- Your event will then start a brief approval process. Be on the lookout for an e-mail from, that will tell you whether your event has been approved or denied. If your event is denied, it will state why and provide you the opportunity to submit a new response.
- If you have edits to make to your event, you can just log in, choose “events” on the left hand navigation, and find your event in that list.
- From there you can choose the three dots on the far right to make edits and re-submit your event.
WSU Groups/Individuals who need access to Coug Presence for Family Weekend
- Fill out the Presence Event Creator Form.
- The Family Weekend approver, Dan Welter, will add the individual to Presence and to the Family Weekend Committee (i.e. access to event).
- Staff will be notified once this is complete and will receive instructions about how to log in and register an event.
*This outlined process should only take up to 24-48 hours to complete from start to finish once someone submits contact information to the link above.
Non-WSU affiliated/Off-campus groups
If you are an off-campus group and do not have a WSU email address, we will manually add your events to the Coug Presence Family Weekend calendar. Your events will be posted with all other family weekend events.
- Fill out the External Group Family Weekend Event Registration Form.
- The Family Weekend event approver will add your event to Presence.
- You will receive a confirmation to the email you provide once this is complete.
- Please allow 2-3 business days for submitted events to be approved and uploaded to the calendar.
- Contact with any questions.